
Who is Ryan?

29 Oct , 2015  

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Crissy had come back home late that night, which was nothing out of the ordinary. It would be an unusual sight to see her back before sundown. Tisca had always been a light sleeper and the noisy door inevitably broke her light doze. Crissy stumbled in, barely balancing on her high heels. She was drunk as was evident by her failed attempt to enter the room quietly. Though, now when Tisca looked back on it, Crissy had never really been the considerate type. Chances were that she would have disregarded her sleeping sister anyway, drunk or not. Something about that night, the sparkly heels, or the ripped hem of the sequinned tiny dress Crissy wore, made Tisca remember that night.

A whole of a couple of months later, Crissy had turned up at Tisca’s doorstep again. Not for a place to crash this time, though Tisca would’ve preferred that in lieu of what was about to come.

“He was blond with blue eyes”, was all Crissy had ever revealed. Her plan from the start had been to put the baby up for adoption. Tisca had been disapproving, but truly saw no solution. Crissy hardly remembered to feed herself, let alone a baby!

But when she had looked at baby Ryan for the first time, and realised how alone and vulnerable the baby in her arms was, she had decided to take him in. He would have a family, that was the least she could do. Crissy hadn’t bothered to ask her what she had christened the baby, nor if Tisca had put it up for adoption. For all Crissy knew, Ryan was as good as unborn.

What happens next? What do you think?

Attention: This is a collaborative writing project. This piece of story/ scene is written by one of the many authors associated with the project. This means, you can also be an author and shape up the story-line. We would love to have your contribution in this regard. You can either comment on the story-line below or send us your piece of the story. If you wish to contribute regularly, please get into touch with us. All contributions will be acknowledged in due course. Communicate with us though This Link.

Author: Let us Write
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Student at School of Liberal Studies (SLS). Documentation Writer and Casual Index Reviewer.

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This is a collaborative writing project. Stories are written by many authors associated with the project. This means, you can also be an author and shape up the story-line. We would love to have your contribution in this regard. You can either comment on the story-line or send us your piece of the story. If you wish to contribute regularly, please get into touch with us through this form. All contributions will be acknowledged in due course.