Characters, Story

The Betrayal

19 Oct , 2015  

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Alex turned to look at her companion’s face, shaded by the starry night, the moonlight falling on his sharp features. He looked on edge as they carefully trodded through the forest. The leaves on the maple trees rustled dampening the sound of their steps on the forest floor as the chill of the night air caused them to shiver slightly. Alex jittered, trying to gather her thoughts, thinking of what they had to accomplish today. The night was eerily silent as the two of them kept up their pace, nervousness eating away at their nerves.

For some reason, her companion, Aleverus, seemed paler than expected; his usual soft brown eyes now darted back and forth, jumping at the smallest of sounds. This caught Alex off guard and she sent him a questioning look as he was usually the calm sort, soothing her nerves just by his confidence. They had completed over thirty missions together, and he was always the one to give her a reassuring look and working together as a team, they had gotten out of the tightest of situations. His face now seemed to be pulled taut with an expression of foreboding, his lips pulled thin and eyebrows scrunched.

Alex looked into his eyes, two pools of volatile darkness, and she stiffened with apprehension when his eyes sent her a silent message, “They’re here”. Alex spun sideways, as her companion and she simultaneously pulled out their guns. The metal glittering menacingly, Alex smirked at the two hooded figures ahead of her. Without a word, without a warning, without a cry of commencement, the two hooded enemies advanced with frightening speed, engulfing the distance between them in seconds.

Alex had been given a command to not shoot until absolutely necessary and to not at all kill them. So with the upmost concentration, she aimed at the leg of one of the figures. They were just a few meters away when she was about to pull the trigger but all of a sudden a movement caught her eye to her left. A sharp object flew past Alex and hit her right wrist causing her to call out in pain. There was an open wound on her wrist and she could feel the warm blood flowing, but Alex had bigger problems to deal with. As soon as she looked up, one of the figures slammed straight into her and they both dropped, slamming her back on the ground. Alex fought for air as her eyes searched frantically for her only weapon. Her gun was lost in the darkness to her right somewhere in the bushes.

She saw Aleverus fighting arm to arm and the next second he held the figure in a headlock. Aleverus’ reassuring presence fueled her tactics and confidence and Alex pushed the attacker off herself. He rolled in the dark and in this time, she pulled herself up, ready in a fighting position. He got up and in a few strides reached Alex. She side stepped the fist he threw in her direction and ducked his next swing. Letting her instincts take over, Alex took advantage of his timing and sent an uppercut his way. Ignoring the pain in her knuckles and the blood trickling down her wrist, she looked dangerously at him as he staggered backwards. Out of the corner of her eye, Alex saw Aleverus judo flip his opponent and there lay an unmoving crumpled figure.

Alex lowered her stance and her opponent stayed back as he realised their unruly advantage. Aleverus stood next to Alex and her confidence soared even as her enemy pulled back his hood and revealed a menacing smirk and a cold stare that chilled her bones. He turned to Aleverus and smiled, “Now, my friend, it’s your turn.” Alex turned to look at Aleverus. His stoned expression revealed nothing as he faced her, not looking in her eyes. Without a moment of hesitation, Alex ignored any possibilities of Aleverus’ betrayal or of what his face meant and so she leapt towards the opponent, catching him by surprise and holding him in a death vise.

She lifted him upright and looked expectantly towards Aleverus, asking him to knock out the man she had in her grasp. He lifted his gun and pointed it with deadly accuracy, but he paused, just a moment of hesitation. Alex looked deep in his eyes, his wary expression, of guilt and sorrow. A pained expression crossed his face as he whispered, his voice heavy, “I’m sorry.” With those words, he pointed the gun at her head. Alex stared at him, questioningly, and remorse flooded his eyes in tears. She turned her head slightly to see the other opponent up from his fake act of unconsciousness. Aleverus had always been on their side.

Attention: This is a collaborative writing project. This piece of story/ scene is written by one of the many authors associated with the project. This means, you can also be an author and shape up the story-line. We would love to have your contribution in this regard. You can either comment on the story-line below or send us your piece of the story. If you wish to contribute regularly, please get into touch with us. All contributions will be acknowledged in due course. Communicate with us though This Link.

Author: Let us Write
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Student at School of Liberal Studies (SLS). Documentation Writer and Casual Index Reviewer.

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This is a collaborative writing project. Stories are written by many authors associated with the project. This means, you can also be an author and shape up the story-line. We would love to have your contribution in this regard. You can either comment on the story-line or send us your piece of the story. If you wish to contribute regularly, please get into touch with us through this form. All contributions will be acknowledged in due course.