Buy us a cup of coffee
A ridiculous amount of coffee was consumed in the process of building this project. Add some fuel if you'd like to keep us going!
30 Dec , 2015
She closed her eyes for some time in prayer. Take offs always unnerved her and landings always brought a respite from setting foot on firm ground. Slowly she became conscious of someone staring at her profile and stole a sideways glance. The familiar face broke into a smile and said, So my dear, How are […]
24 Dec , 2015
Turner left Dhaara’s home with a heart full of emotions and with a smile and thank you on his lips. He had been working with StingRay since its inception and SR might not be friendly with anybody in the world, Turner knew himself to be the only person who was trusted by The Shark. He […]
14 Nov , 2015
“We have no plans Mr. Turner. Each plan starts and ends with money. Right now we are trying to make our ends meet. Meanwhile we are working on some good plays. The money that we receive from the Trust keeps us afloat but for how long it will be able to do so, we are […]
11 Nov , 2015
Drops of perspiration appeared on Turner’s forehead and on SR’s too. “Mr. Turner are you ok? Disha please bring a glass of water for Mr. Turner. It must be the heat I guess. Sorry we don’t have an AC.” Disha ran towards the kitchen and brought a glass of water. “No no I am ok […]
10 Nov , 2015
“We worked really hard…. we still do. Rangratna was at the top for many years to come…. but slowly… the advent of cinema…. then multiplexes and now Internet has taken a huge toll on people like us…. people and art like ours aren’t available at the click of a button. When you come and see […]
8 Nov , 2015
Then there came a day when we were rehearsing for one of our upcoming plays on the stage. Dhaara was playing the part of a poor woman who works day and night to take care of her ailing mother. I was directing the play. It was a dress rehearsal. She was wearing a tattered saree […]
31 Oct , 2015
“Ohh….. That’s great!” said Turner. Then he continued looking at Devkar: “Sir… Sorry to come knocking at your door without any appointment but you must have heard about our prestigious channel and the different shows it presents.” “No” came a simple reply. “Pardon” said Turner a little embarrassed. “I am sorry Mr. Turner. None of […]
29 Oct , 2015
SR entered his home… gave a nod to his domestic help Ramesh who had answered the doorbell. There were envelopes lying on the chest of drawers just next to the entry door. Three of them were marked “Confidential”. He knew what they were. He collected those three and asked Ramesh to take the other unmarked […]
19 Oct , 2015
Since Dhaara knew him well, he didn’t want to be the one doing this operation on Ashwin Devkar. In all these years, he had developed his own network of professionals who would do all kinds of jobs for him… arranging miniature cameras as per his demand, fixing them as and when and where he wanted […]
14 Oct , 2015 Video
The applause… the thunderous applause… reverberated in “The Shark’s” ears. What was this feeling? When Dhaara looked towards her husband sitting amongst the audience…….he felt a strange feeling…. and of course not a nice one! It had been more than thirty years but watching Dhaara look at somebody like that made his heart ache, hurt […]
8 Oct , 2015
The term was about to end and so were their courses. Students excelling in their respective fields were getting job offers. Satya received his letters the same day Dhaara received hers. Three leading national dailies had offered him a job of reporter- two from Delhi and one from Mumbai (then Bombay) and one of the […]
7 Oct , 2015
After that debate competition, life became a fairy tale. Just as Satya was struck by Dhaara’s beauty and brains, Dhaara also admired Satya’s idealistic way of approach, his zest to change negative things, his optimism to do something good for the society and the people at large. Basically, it was their thoughts that fell in […]
5 Oct , 2015
You can Win by Losing! “Dhaara….. Dhaara Pandit…. and you?” This is how they got introduced to each other more than thirty years ago. The eyes… yes the eyes were what caught his attention when Dhaara introduced herself. And then she smiled…. and he was like… No! It’s definitely the smile… how can some human […]
16 Feb , 2015
He was shattered when the love of his life left him in Delhi for a job with a Theatre Group in Mumbai. It had been the same day he was confirmed as an anchor on one of the popular News Channels of the time. He had come back excited about telling her about his new […]
3 Dec , 2014
As clichéd as it sounds, S R Bose’s bitterness stems from spurned love. They had met on the JNU campus. Their love grew as they argued about capitalism and communism. They both were passionate about their subjects; Bose loved political science and she was passionate about theatre. The more they talked, the more they fell […]
21 Nov , 2014
As was mentioned earlier, S R Bose started as most journalists do; armed with leftist ideologies and with a will to do what is right, to make politicians accountable, to weed out corruption from the bureaucracy. Essentially, Bose started out as an idealist. He had all the elements going for him. He was doing his […]
24 Jun , 2014
Hungry flies sting sore!! SR Bose can literally comprehend the German Proverb “Hungry Flies sting more”. Who else can correlate the words like sting, hungry and honey in the best possible way! He believes in procuring latest gadgets for sting operations. Over the years, in front of his eyes, he saw how a technology becomes […]
4 Jun , 2014
SR Bose actually belongs to a rare species for whom the look and the feel can be very deceptive. In his daily life and activities he is a back foot player. Watches the balls till the last moment and gently glide them here and there for just keeping the score book alive. He rarely plays a […]
18 Apr , 2014
हम हिन्दी में भी इस कहानी लिखना चाहते हैं. आप हमारी मदद करना चाहते हैं? आप रुचि रखते हैं, तो के माध्यम से अपना नाम और ईमेल भेजें
17 Apr , 2014
Satya Ranjan Bose is relaxed this week, it’s the election day today in his constituency and tomorrow is Good Friday. And then the usual weekend!. Last night, he was over enthusiastic about the prospect of an extra long weekend. He updated his FB status as feeling awesome. He tried for a few minutes to fortify […]
A ridiculous amount of coffee was consumed in the process of building this project. Add some fuel if you'd like to keep us going!